
An instance of this class is returned in every action that requests an endpoint that implements pagination, simplifying the construction and parsing of Range and Content-Range headers.


Property Type Description
currentPage Number The current page, considering the pagination size
headers Object Headers of the current page response
items Array Current page items
itemsCount Number Current page items count
itemsPerPage Number Pagination size
options Object Options passed to .api() method
pagesCount Number Number of pages
sdk SDK SDK instance
uri String Resource URI

NOTE: The options property will be passed in any .getPage(), .getNextPage() and .getPreviousPage() methods to the underlying .api() call behind the hood, although you can override it in each of these methods or any other action that resolves a Paginator instance.


Argument Type Required Description
sdk SDK Yes SDK instance
uri String Yes Resource URI
itemsPerPage Number Yes Pagination size
options Object No Options passed to the .api() method



Resolves a Paginator instance for the next page or undefined if non-existent.

Argument Type Required Description
options Object No Any options you may want to pass to .api()

This method returns a Promise.


Resolves a Paginator instance for the previous page or undefined if non-existent.

Argument Type Required Description
options Object No Any options you may want to pass to .api()

This method returns a Promise.


Determines whether or not there is a next page.


Determines whether or not there is a previous page.


Resolves a Paginator instance for a specific page or undefined if non-existent.

Argument Type Required Default Description
page Number No 1 Page number to request
options Object No Any options you may want to pass to .api()

This method returns a Promise.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""