This is the default class exported by this module, which when instantiated with your client id and secret offers an API to manage Uphold requests.

To see the full specification of the actions this class provides please jump to the Actions section.

Usage example:

import SDK from '@uphold/uphold-sdk-javascript';

const sdk = new SDK({
  baseUrl: '',
  clientId: 'foo',
  clientSecret: 'bar'

  .then(() => sdk.getMe())
  .then(user => {


Option Description
options SDK configuration
client Client instance
storage Storage instance
oauthClient OAuthClient instance
refreshRequestPromise Internal pointer to a refresh token request
tokenRequestPromise Internal pointer to an access token request


Argument Type Required Description
options Object Yes SDK configuration

The options argument accepts the following keys:

Key Required Default Description
accessTokenKey No uphold.access_token Key used to store the access token
baseUrl No Uphold API's url
clientId Yes Your client id
clientSecret Yes Your client secret
itemsPerPage No 10 Pagination size
refreshTokenKey No uphold.refresh_token Key used to store the refresh token
version No v0 Uphold API's version



This method handles Uphold API requests, and serves as basis for all actions.

It resolves the .request() response body property by default.

Argument Type Required Description
uri String Yes Endpoint URI
options Object No Request options

The options argument accepts the following keys:

Key Type Default Description
authenticate Boolean true Whether or not to build the Authorization header
body Object Request body
headers Object Request headers
method String get HTTP method
queryParams Object Query parameters
raw Boolean Resolve the whole .request() response
version String options.version API version or use a falsy value for endpoints without prefix

This method returns a Promise.


Performs a request to POST /oauth2/token with given code, storing access and refresh tokens on success.

Argument Type Required Description
code String Yes Authorization code

This method returns a Promise.


Resolves an object containing the stored tokens.

This method returns a Promise.


Performs a request to POST /oauth2/revoke, removing tokens from storage on success.

This method returns a Promise.


Performs a paginated request.

Argument Type Required Default Description
url String Yes Full endpoint URL
page Number No 1 Requested page
itemsPerPage Number No options.itemsPerPage Pagination size
options Object No Any options you may want to pass to the Paginator constructor

This method returns a Promise that resolves a Paginator instance.


Removes tokens from storage.

This method returns a Promise.


Sets tokens in storage.

Argument Type Required Description
token Object Yes An object containing the access_token and refresh_token keys

This method returns a Promise.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""